Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let's try this again.

My blogging discipline has gone to the toilet. I know, I millions of fans have been so disappointed in me because I haven't been keeping you up to date on the minute by minute excitement that is my life. Here's what happened since the last time I wrote....

Yup. That about covers it.

My boys start 1st and 3rd grade on Monday. It will be the first time in 9 years that I have had Monday-Friday days all to myself. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have very specific goals:
1. Start playing my bass again.
2. Keep up with the blog.
3. Continue to work out consistently.
4. Make it look like my house hasn't been hit by a bomb.
5. Find new and innovative ways to worship God.

Most likely I will sleep a lot and read 456 new books.

I really want to make sure I keep writing Kydanisms. He says so much random crap that I am afraid I will forget them all. My favorite one that I haven't posted is this:

"Mommy, the reason I don't listen to you sometimes is because my brains are practicing karate. The left side usually wins, but sometimes the right side wins, too."

Hopefully this will become more consistant. I'm ready to be disciplined!!!! I think.

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